Found my dads original 1971 duster!

Still can’t get them. I feel like I will dent the body metal if I pry any harder. So weird. They went on so easily. Still not sure why the shafts would have been in the wrong position. I’ve turned the wipers on and off several times before putting the arms on, to see if everything worked…so you’d think they would have come to rest in the proper spot
Just waiting to hear if a friend has a pulled tool to try

Are you releasing them? They have a lock that has to be released before they come off. Can't find a picture right now, sorry.

Worst case, I would pull the arm off the motor so you can at least rotate the wipers. You will have to do it by feel as it is up under the dash, but just takes a 3/8 or 7/16 socket. Center of the dash, way up at the top.

Looks like this: