Advancing Cam Question

I got it running today.

Here's how I checked the accuracy of the 4* advance:
With it at TDC, I installed the chain in the 4* advanced position. and moved the crank (without moving the cam), until the gears and chain went on. I temp installed the timing cover and put the damper on far enough to be sure it was on the key. The timing mark moved 4* from TDC.

It seems like it idles a bit better. I had to richen the mixture screws almost a half turn. The vacuum is still low; about 6". Timing is at 35 total, as it was before. Initial is as it was before too, at about 30* (The 1200 rpm idle brings that in.) The test drive felt about the same as before. A trip to the track won't happen until September or October. Maybe that'll show something, maybe not. It cranks slow when it's hot. It did that before. I have an ignition kill switch for that.

I just realized I didn't check PV clearance. I know there was plenty when the cam was straight up. I got lucky.

Here's the compression test I did before the advance (both tests w/ engine warm, throttle open)
1) 180
2) 170
3) 185
4) 185
5) 170
6) 180
7) 170
8) 170

Here's a test I just did today after advancing the cam:
1) 150
2) 155
3) 175
4) 150
5) 150
6) 135
7) 155
8) 145

Something tells me I need a new compression gauge. There's no consistency. Plus, I would think the numbers should be higher with it advanced.
They should be higher. I can think of maybe a couple reasons why they aren't. If you didn't warm the engine to the same condition as the first time. Or, if you retarded the cam timing instead. Don't scoff at that. Even some of the most seasoned engine builders have made that mistake.