Hughes cams - feedback on their springs/lifters?

I'm giving some thought to a fairly small Hughes HFT cam for my 318. Their website pretty clearly indicates their valve springs and lifters are the way to go with their cams. I have a good running 318 with good factory lifters, and this cam would be mated up with SM loaded heads with SM standard springs.

Question is for those running a Hughes cam, are their springs and lifters truly necessary, or will my lifters and springs do OK? I am not trying to squeeze every last bit of grunt from this build. A nice cruiser with a bit of spunk is the goal.
i like their products, but sometimes their customer service puts me off to the point of if i'm able to find it elsewhere i'll go that route.

that being said, i like the fact that they offer a supporting cast for the star of the show and it is specifically designed to work together rather than generic pieces gathered up.

their supplied "variable duration" lifters are johnson hy-lift and when paired with a larger lift, higher duration cam work well to give some manners back to cams that may otherwise be a little rowdy.

if the SM springs meet the spec for the cam you want i don't see why you couldn't run them.