Advancing Cam Question

Post #26 revealed what I expected & posted earlier. A little improvement in idle quality, but past that very little improvement that the butt-meter will feel. At the track, 4* of advance could go either way.
As D.Vizard says, only when an optimally speced cam is advanced or retarded will there be a noticeable difference; that is because all the selected components for the engine are optimised to work with the correctly selected cam & the most hp is produced. When the hp is at it's greatest, there is more hp to lose [ & for the butt-meter to feel ] than just any old cam.

You keep saying that.
This cam was designed to be installed 4 degrees advance, not straight up.
The car at the track will work better how it is now. I would bet money that with nothing in his combo changed other than the cam moved to where it should be, the car will be faster, assuming same conditions.
Regards seat of the pants, have you ever been down the track in a car?
Until a car picks up close to 3 tenths at the track it’s hard to tell the difference in gains.
Seat of the pants can’t feel a tenth or even more. Takes more than that.
Been there, done that, tons of times.