72 Duster Sharktooth grill to fit on a 70 Duster possible?

To me the biggest sin on 1970 340 dusters is putting the 71 340 side stripes on them with the 340 on the rear quarters.
I much prefer the factory 70 340 stripes. Not as gaudy and one year only.
Swapping grills is much less of a sin…lol
I'm didn't know about the stripe on a 70'. Sounds like you really know your stuff. I just wanted Mad Dog to know that he's not the only one who has strayed away from the Chrysler Bible. And I don't care for any direct negative criticism of anyone else. We're all individuals w/ individual tastes after all. The cats here @ a bodies have saved me from a lot potentially costly mistakes on my build. I barely know anything about Chryslers. I just saw a clean slant 6 Duster for $3000 and thought, "no problem" I'll just find a small block, and drop it in, and be on the road in a month or two. That was 2-1/2 years ago and I still haven't driven it yet! LOL I consider myself very lucky to be part of this website/community...dare I say; brotherhood of the A bodies. I think most people stray a bit in the earnest pursuit of making "their" car "their" own. Weather it's just an air cleaner or a huge stereo/amp. We all do it to one degree or another. I mean, I don't know anyone who still runs those poly-glass re-pop tires w/ the red line. But I'm sure there's a purist out there somewhere who'd say it's a sin not to keep it looking stock. LOL Until now, if I saw the stripe w/340 at the back on a 70', I'd would've never known it wasn't stock. From now-on, if I do see one, I'll have to look and see if it's correct or not. Heh, heh. You're rubbing off on me bro! LOL.