2019 summer race.... Jadaharabi vs 318willrun

Be safe!!! Us old folks are NOT made of rubber ya know!!
Tonka toy!!
The ROPS did it's job. The lap bar held me in. Head down, feet up, unfortunately. Once I released them I dropped into the back window area behind the seat. Then I had my back on the ground with my feet above me. Not the most comfortable position going. Eventually my phone worked its way out of my pocket and I could call 911. But I was kind of stuck there until they cut the side of the cage out and pulled me out.
I remember thinking as the machine started to go over backward "This is going to be good."
I wasn't really hurt I scraped my thumb about a 1/2 inch square of skin and my herniated disc in my back are acting up again now. But I can understand that after being tied in a knot for an hour or two.
This machines must be pretty tough and well made because it's not leaking any fluids or fuel. The battery is upside down and is not leaking any acid either. Until I get it turned up right the only damage I see is one of the hold down bolts to the battery broke. What can I say God was looking out for me again.
But I will say it was not as much fun as drag. racing.