Suggestions on which plugs to go with

^^^^^Totally incorrect.

Plat & Irid plugs require less arc over voltage. One of the benefits is LESS MISFIRES [ more HP ], which is why the OEMs soend the extra $$$ & use them because they reduce emissions from less misfires.
You can & should run bigger plug gaps with them.
Use NGK 5 heat range.

They use those plugs because they last 100k miles.

That’s the only reason for it.

They don’t reduce misfires. They only help fuel mileage when a different type of plug is used up.

Replace the plugs and there is no difference.

Plus, it’s far harder light those rare earth metal plugs.

The ONLY think a plug like that does is lighten you wallet.

Stay away from that stuff unless you love to burn money and sound cool on the internet.