Stop in for a cup of coffee

Got home and messed arond a bit.. that razor on runs trick works MUCH better when the paint is still rubbery... last time i did it when it was cured, was bad. So very happy with that... also got some 1000 and 1500 pads for my DA and the 1000 takes the orange peel and that tape line down nice without being nuts.. gotta wait for the paint to cure more though.. **** was marked 6:1 but it takes like 2 weeks to harden up good and hard.. should try 4:1

Also think i figured my gun problem.. i was shooting at 20-24psi.. saw some videos of tests and guys use 30-34psi, too low and the paint doesn't atomize so you get orange peel, and then i would compensate by hosing it on and got the runs.. HOPING that will fix it.. will find out soon
You are running a filter too right before the gun right?