Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yea like working on a farmer's work truck with a gun on the seat and ammo all over the inside and empty beer cans scattered all over the cab. HO! and mud caked all over the undercarriage. Yea I'm done with that.
Two trucks, hole through floor, beside gas pedal and took a chunk out of bellhousing. Nother one,Dodge ram with a chunk out of passenger window post.
#3, ex co-worker shot out passenger window, govt truck. They were working away,staying at a park cabin. Claimed he hit it with a log in the tractor grapple. I called BS, no glass inside. Not even a crumb. Co worker threw him under the bus. Brought his firearm into the park. Taboo. The fact that he was ****-faced came up in the conversation explains why window was still up :lol: