Suggestions on which plugs to go with

Above talks about quenching action....
Nothing to do with combustion chamber quench.....
In electrical theory, there is a phenomenon called quenching; it refers to the fact that when a spark is generated from metal, the surrounding volume of cold metal tries to quench/absorb/ extinguish the newly generated spark. By reducing the volume of cold-er metal that could extinguish the spark, there is more chance the spark will stay 'lit'. Hence the benefit of fine wire Plat & Irid plugs; a side benefit is less arc over voltage, so a marginal ign system could fire a plat or irid plug.....but wouldn't fire a conventional plug.

As for plug gaps with P & I plugs, if the ign system uses a bal res, use a 0.045" gap. No bal res, run 0.060" gaps.

More theoretical bullshit.

It all sounds good until you actually test nonsense like this.

I was playing with fine wire plugs in the mid 1970’s and was using them as late as the early 2000’s.

There is nothing in expensive plugs. Not a single HP, no drivability, no nothing except a lighter wallet.

Carnival hucksters and shysters write books of little to no value so their sycophants can parrot their bullshit on the web.