I Think I Don't Want These Computers in Cars Anymore

94 still isn't bad for computers in cars, that is still the EEC-4 and it's a very primitive computer compared to what they use now.

In 94 the speedometer might be less dependant on a computer than you might think. It's usually a little gear that goes on the end of a speed sensor. It's mostly mechanical.

I just went through this with a 91 ford pickup and it was the gear was warped from heat.

Could be a 15 dollar fix for you like it was for me.

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True, 90s cars and truck are still kind of easy to deal with, but my sensor failure and pretty much disabling the transmission from working properly reminds me of the bs issues I've seen on the newer stuff from 2007 and up. I'll probably have the old truck easly working again if the parts are easy to get.