I Think I Don't Want These Computers in Cars Anymore

Takes a good game plan to stay ahead of the 8 Ball in today's world.

No Plan = Pay, Pay, Pay. The people accepting the money usually don't have the car owner's best interests in mind.

By design they want people coming back to the dealers and bankers to buy new.

Not for me, prior planning prevents piss poor production. Kind of feel sorry for people who don't know anything about cars, but not really cause they should have taken the time to learn.

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Very true, I tried to tell them to get rid of that Equinox long ago, but dimwit is adamant that he knows all. The same evening that the thing died, he's telling me on the phone that he was at the local Chevrolet dealership that afternoon and while there a nearly identical Equinox came in on trade. Oh but it belonged to a relative of an employee so the dealership knows the car and its been looked after, blah blah blah, how many people have fallen for that line of bullshit. Why would you buy another pile of crap like the one that just screwed you? I don't get it.