I Think I Don't Want These Computers in Cars Anymore

I agree, the public buys what is out there, but I also disagree, in that the automakers put unnecessary crap in vehicles that we don't need, but help drive up costs therefore profits, that the public then buys because it's out there. No in orders a car like they did in the 60's or 70's. It's often a case of buy what is available. Just like my 2020 Charger Widebody. There's no way I would have ordered a sunroof, the adaptive cruise control and lane departure nonsense. I live in the country, I don't need any of the things that tell me if I'm over the line, or I'm following too close. I don't care for sunroofs, heavy and I don't use them. But it's how the car was when I bought it, so I'm fine with that, but those are things that will never get used by me.

Really good point, not something I thought about when I made the comment. The OEM's all put together "packages" so if you want something you usually have to buy stuff you don't want. I wanted blind spot detection if I bought another Challenger, but pretty sure it was part of the Tech group that has stuff I didn't want like adaptive cruise or heated/cooled seats or something. Certainly it makes sense to group bigger brakes with more horsepower but the rest is purely a money grab to force you to pay for stuff you don't want and wouldn't order otherwise. Another example was the STP package, if you wanted access to Performance Pages you had to get the 8.4 screen which usually meant you had to order the Plus package and get a stereo system with an amp and more speakers. I know the 8.4 worked fine with the base speakers and no amp because I swapped on into my R/T but good luck trying to buy it that way.

Good point.