Swinging for Divorce…

Are paint jobs really 15K for a Dart?What level does that buy? I know a C2 Corvette can be 20-30K depending on body work. One friend spent close to 50K for perfection.
We probably have 16K with a front clip in our C2. That is me taking it to bare glass and doing the minor glass work.
I have maybe $3K in all my metal work.
In September my body shop is going to start with my engine bay and trunk. He will also work any other bumps and bruises. I am guessing 2K for that and 3K for paint. $8K for keeping it the original color and all the bodywork. Add another $1K if it was a color change. I am getting it ready doing all I can to keep the costs down.
In Virginia it can be a two year wait to get in a shop. I hope you can share what you find as you reach out for quotes. My painter and friend (after 3 restoration’s) and claim work has always treated me right. My estimate maybe way off!!!!

Everything is expensive. Since purchasing my office 2 years ago prices of everything has gone through the roof. What’s a gallon of paint cost? Anywhere from 4-700 dollars? I also don’t do any body work or metal work.

I think most paint jobs done by an independent shop is going to cost 10-20k depending on what type of paint job you want…. I am hoping for one that makes my wife’s panties drop when she sees it… probably won’t happen but one can only hope.