Does This Debunk the "Coolant Can Flow Through the Radiator Too Fast" Idea???

Yes, that is correct and what keeps it in longer, the restriction caused by the thermo. No matter how fast you pump it the thermo only allows so much coolant to get by so you can keep a minimum operating temp. I think the best way to look at this is we all have different views on the matter. If your system is working, it's because the whole system is in sink. If the system is not working, I would look for a clog of some kind first [ block thermo rad.] before I started messing around with pullies. A lot of what NBT says is correct, I just think its pretty shitty to say the things he says to people who disagree with him. We are all here to discuss things and maybe offer some help to others, not put down other members.

You know what is shitty? Is how many times I’ve laid out, in detail why slowing the pump down is WRONG.

I’ve said it nice. I’ve even posted links.

Bewy in this very thread has posted links to the best tech pages on the web about this.

And yet, people like you and CeeDawg want to come on here with anecdotes and old wives tales about cooling and no matter what you think of me all that **** is WRONG.

Do YOU love getting WRONG information? I ******* hate that especially when the truth is easily gained.

So yeah, I get pissed off over guys like you, with your thin skin coming on a public information exchange, promoting things that are verifiably WRONG and when given proof you turn your nose up, double down on wrong and ignore the truth.

Since I still in the engine building/tuning business I have to deal with bad information on a daily basis.

I don’t get paid to be on the phone, correcting **** that guys read on forums. It’s a waste of my time. Yet it’s a regular occurrence.

So get your *** off your high horse, put in your big boy pants, disabuse yourself of the notion that you understand cooking systems and see if you can learn the truth.

I hope I didn’t bruise your sensitive feelings with my harsh response.

It gets very old very fast repeating over and over and over basic things that guys make mistakes on. And don’t forget about confirmation bias because that happens.