Does This Debunk the "Coolant Can Flow Through the Radiator Too Fast" Idea???

Well, if you can't stop being an asshole how do you expect to be respected. You're just showing your ignorance being nasty. If your tired of repeating yourself shut up and stop commenting. I have no doubt you are a very qualified mechanic. I do have respect for you in that aspect. I just don't understand why you have to be so insulting to fellow members. I'm not thin skinned but, it took me 4 years to get my master's in engineering and for you to say degrees are bullshit is an insult to all those who figured out how to make things work and I don't just mean cars. If you are uneducated that's too bad but, I bet you have a **** load of experience, and nothing beats that. So, I'm asking, just take it easy on people. Remember you get what you give, and that's no bullshit. Have a wonderful day.:thumbsup:
There's enough evidence in the science and real world applications that there's no need to get personal. After a while though, it does get tiresome when people still cannot see it, so I can understand some frustration.