273 swap to 318/ build, cost, potential, daily driver

Your timing is impeccable! Through networking a friend of mine just found on FBMP a 1997 dodge 5.2 magnum 4 hours away from me for $100. 230k miles, needs complete rebuild. Compared to my already questionable 273… would THIS 97 5.2 be a healthy candidate in having the machine shop do a stock build on. Convert from efi to carburetor with electric fuel pump. Address any transmission or rear end issues and continue with the build?

I feel that maybe I haven’t dug deep enough or researched enough to find someone’s previous build dos-donts on this exact setup. Maybe I’m missing the article and or post. But for that drive and $100 for a magnum 318 seems like a good starting point??? Not in a rush, I don’t need THIS engine RIGHT NOW and I can continue to look for another, possibly better condition or more information, motor. Thanks!
Just found this. Any engine that does not run is a core to me. If you can get any kind of compression test on any core, the better. A trip to machine shop costs $ but there you can find the answers! Everything costys $$$!
You could make that trip for that truck., keep what you want, part whats what and haul the carcass off off scrape!

Everything generally is about purpose, availability, and costs! Like I said, these days, everything costs some $$, some things just cost more $$.