Does This Debunk the "Coolant Can Flow Through the Radiator Too Fast" Idea???

I understand his frustration. My original thoughts on the subject where if you are having a cooling problem why would you suggest putting on pullies to speed up the flow? If the vehicle cooled off when it was new it would make sense to look for the problem. ie. blockage in the block, Rad. or thermo. before messing with pullies. I understand all the tech and I wrote the NBT is not wrong in what he is saying. It's just the way he says it. If you read my last post, I said I have no doubt he is a very good mechanic with lots of experience. I'm not arguing what he is saying in fact I have read up on cooling articles and realized I was saying things wrong, and I no longer disagree with him. Just stop being so negative and down on everybody.
Well, most people who are "here" have vehicles that put out power above stock. Sometimes people forget that performance applications differ from their stock counterparts. Even mild builds are different in their needs. Oftentimes, the cooling system is forgotten about and people wonder why their vehicles are running hot. The stock cooling systems in these are usually pretty adequate, but sometimes, people do stupid things like leaving shrouds off, adding el cheapo electric fans and on and on. Just because you see it in a magazine doesn't mean it'll work. THose guys get the best of the best of parts thrown at them by sponsors and then people run out and try to duplicate that with the cheapest junk they can find. It's always a recipe for disaster. That's why I always advise people to put the cooling system back as close to stock as they can. If that doesn't cure the over heating, it comes close and now they have a good base line to which to modify on. It usually doesn't take "much more" than stock to cool most engines. I'm unsure that any stock radiator was a true high efficiency unit. A real high efficiency radiator has 14-16 fins per inch. I've never seen a factory radiator with fins grouped that close. A true high efficiency two row with rows 1.25 or 1.5 inches wide will cool just about anything you can throw at it. But telling people that is like talking to a brick wall when they've just spent 200 bucks on a POS chinkesium pile of junk "radiator". Nobody wants to hear that their brand new shiny thing is a piece of crap. And honestly, that's what wrong with 90% or more of these over heating problems. They cheaped out on the radiator and got a piece of crap.