Does This Debunk the "Coolant Can Flow Through the Radiator Too Fast" Idea???

So, not a person understood what was going on in that engine-radiator, talk about closed minded! By definition a radiator RADIATES HEAT, water went through it so fast it couldn’t release the HEAT (for the size of radiator) BTW I hope y’all know what those little fins hooked to the pipes are for? Say the radiator holds 2 gallons, make a pipe container that holds two gallons now hook the engine up to pipe then the radiator, which one cools better?
I’m not saying make the flow slow, I’m saying rad needs to be big enough to absorb the heat, even as hot and as fast as the water was flowing as radiator twice the size would've cooled the water before it went back into the engine. I have many more examples, I won’t be mean, just trying to enlighten.
One more thing, why do they use a little single core radiator on a /6 and a bigger 4 core on a Hemi or 440?