Are we getting more for our money??

When my daughter dragged me outta my recliner, kicking and screaming, to build her hubby a modern, computer operated racecar, I was terrified.
Simply now, - took some study, but u-tube is a lifesaver .

Used to be you did first valve grind at 60 - 80k, an over the fender re-/ring about 110 - 125k.
Now cars go to 300k with a few oil changes.

Modern lubricants and metallurgy are a wonderful thing.
I remember couple of neighbors having vans. ONe was a 318 TQ, had 246k on it then caught fire. The other was at 306k when I last looked. Not sure what happened to it eventually. They both worked at the same place and had riders along the way getting there.... Both maxi vans and usually fully loaded. Think of the weight and no overdrive... :)