Mancini/HS 1.6 rocker not giving me the lift expected

I installed an MP 2992 nos cam advertised to be .474 lift. Went with Mancini rocker kit 1.6 ratio. The box arrived marked 1.6 and they are grey as expected. I put washers in a hyd lifter for checking and get only .465 lift. The lift directly on the cam lobe is .317, as expected. I have a ball and cup checking pushrod in place with heavy springs so could have a slight amount of flex. Mancini says call Hughes. What could be the problem other than wrong ratio rocker.
.317" × 1.5 = .475"
.417" × 1.6 = .504"
Looks like you have 1.5:1 rockers and flex from the heavy springs.
Does Hughes supply the MP cam? I can not see it as a cam issue if your measured lift at the lifter is the advertised .317". These days mis labeling or packaging is a growing problem, then they try to pass the buck.