My 1972 F7 Dart Swinger

I got the passenger seat back foam repaired. There was a chunk missing. I cut out the bad, glued new in, cut it to shape then skinned the seat foam with fiber to help fill out the covers.

Started putting the new covers on and found some sewing issues with the seat backs. both of them have loose stitching along the side of the headrest pad and one of them is missing about 3/4" of stitching along the same seam.


Around the back, the listing wire pockets aren't sewn the same as the factory covers. Legendary stopped the stitching at the bottom edge of the panel that holds the seat medallions. The factory sewed them all the way to the top of the panel. Without them being sewn all the way up, there isn't anything to hold the seam down in the foam between the back and the bolster.


Here's the original and how its sewn


The seat bottoms seem ok. I got the passenger side finished and it turned out great. I skinned the bottom foam with fiber as well.
