Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well good morning and welcome to a traditional day off for all us heathens, Mitchie San has us covered at the big house! We had a blast at the charity trap shoot yesterday. I think I may have actually done pretty well but my ride had to bail so no idea how I finished. It was actually a lot of fun and all proceeds went to the Shriners Hospital. You had to shoot a round of very difficult sporting clays course then shoot a round of trap. Most guys did pretty well on one or the other. I did not do exceptionally well on either but managed to do pretty well and consistent on both. So while I got smoked on individual basis my combined was pretty solid. I dinked around with pocket placement and cheek welds all day trying to sort out this new shotgun. I don’t think I ever mounted it the same way twice in a row. But I learned a lot about the shotgun @Petty Betty can appreciate trying to wring out a new trap rig. Lots of fun but I am actually a bit beat up this morning!