Ported or manifold vac for overdrive bypass vac switch?

Okay I got some pics and it looks like they're marked so that's nice

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would these switches be running off of vac pressure or the trans pressure?

Should They have a wire running from the other tabs as well?

As far as I know the switches are pass through, meaning they connect one terminal to the other making a connection to ground the solenoids inside the trans.
Mine do anyway, and besides being adjustable they work the same way.
The way yours are wired it seems one terminal can ground when activated.
Pretty sure those switches don’t do that, but you say OD activates, so this is a bit confusing to me.
No, just the one tab per switch. Maybe Trailbeast didn't see that pic of the top of the switches.

So when it kicks down to 2nd, it also disconnects the lock up and over drive all at the same time. The vac switch controls coming out of overdrive and lock up at lighter throttle that is not enough to kick down to second but cutting power to the circuit.
As I mentioned, the trans must first be in 3rd before OD can apply, but lockup can be made to apply in any gear and any speed.
(I tested this in second gear at 30mph) by manually grounding the lockup solenoid and lockup did engage.

My setup works entirely by ground switching with the trans having constant keyed power, so maybe that is where some of my confusion comes from.
My OD switch is set at 50mph.
When I hit 50 the adjustable switch closes grounding a relay only if the switch on the shifter base is in the Auto position.
That relay then grounds the OD solenoid in the trans activating OD.
When the switch on the shifter base is in the Off position the relay cannot activate OD.
All this also applies for lockup.
Here’s the picture again for easy reference.
I notice the switches shown are the older style kit that was offered with non adjustable pressure switches.
I used adjustable 35-70 lb. So I could set my own activation speeds.

This would be way more interesting and fun if we were all looking at and doing this in person.
I know I would like to see it all in person.
