Mancini/HS 1.6 rocker not giving me the lift expected

.317" × 1.5 = .475"
.417" × 1.6 = .504"
Looks like you have 1.5:1 rockers and flex from the heavy springs.
Does Hughes supply the MP cam? I can not see it as a cam issue if your measured lift at the lifter is the advertised .317". These days mis labeling or packaging is a growing problem, then they try to pass the buck.
You have a typo; says.417 in second line when you meant to repeat .317. No, the cam is not from Hughes; I got it from a Direct Connection dealer in the 1970’s; just haven’t run it yet. The rocker dimensions check out when I talked to a Harlan Sharp tech. I’m certain now the problem was trying to check the lift with a checking pushrod and strong springs. I looked back at some older notes and with the checking spring I got the full expected lift with the longest possible pushrod length.