My New Toy 1968 Barracuda Fastback Formula S

There is a young guy in my area and he has a little business going for himself, it's called SPINCITY CUSTOM PRINTS. He sells on eBay but I just ordered a decal for my 68 directly from his e-mail and went over and picked it up. Unfortunately he crashed his bike a few years back and is paralyzed from the waist down and in a wheelchair now so he started up this business to make some money and he said there is nothing he can't make. So if you guys are looking for something contact him his name is Brandon and his e-mail is [email protected] take a look at what he made me, they sell the same decal on eBay but they were only 8" X 8" and I wanted one that was 18" X 18" so he made it up for me. Looks pretty good to me. If there is something you might want contact him through his e-mail and save him a few bucks so he doesn't have to pay the eBay fees and let him know you are from the abodiesonly forum site.



