1968 Dodge Dart GT Sleeping Beauty?

That's an impressive nest. Thought I'd share how I got rid of mine. First was physical removal of all I could reach, using gloves, mask, glasses, and long sleeves. Then I vacuumed what I could get at. Then one side at a time I made a cardboard template to fit the air door with a hole in that for the shop vac. Leaving the other air door closed I used cardboard to close off the cowl area except for a small hole at each end for a long nosed blower nozzle from the compressor. Turn on the shop vac and blow in the cowl with the nozzle. That got out a lot of unseen junk. Lather, rinse, and repeat for the other side. Last was once the car was road worthy but before finishing the interior was to take it out on the freeway with all windows open and glasses/mask on, then open the vent doors one at a time. There was still junk in there that only high speed airflow would get out. Cleaned up the interior and gave evertlything a dousing with Lyson and called it a day.

I really, really don't like mice.