Can i fix this at home?

Yes, that is about right, I've read some of your posts about your times and runs. I must say I am very impressed with your runs. But I still would not build you a motor with a repaired block. No offense to you it's more of a safety factor. I wouldn't feel I did my job right if something where to go wrong. We as racers and builders have lost enough great people in Ower sport both men and women.

I’ve welded between the cylinders with success on cast iron heads and blocks but that’s a different story. I sold my last 440 block last year that was a 68 or 70 HP block and the previous owner pulled the engine with a high lift with the motor mounts still connected. It ripped the mount off ant tore a small hole (1 1/4 inch) in the block. If I was still running stock blocks I would have repaired that as I use a motor plate. Sold it for 25 or 50.00 to get it out of here.