Kmart submarine sandwich recipe

A friend of my brother's got an mechanic's apprenticeship at the K-Mart in my home town when I was young.
He made journeyman there and was (and still is) a good mechanic.
Because I knew him and the manager, I got great deals on alignments, parts, and tires etc.
Yeah, the K-Mart was the Walmart of the day.
They closed down this store in the late '80s.
And I missed it, the deals there for cheap stuff was gone until Zellers came in.
And those ''flashing blue light specials'' were awesome if you hit one at the right time.
I went in one morning right when they opened at 9 am and saw some cabbage patch dolls in the main aisle, maybe a dozen or so.
I walked right by them thinking that they were ugly.
Then when I went to the check out, I saw people fighting over them...REAL fighting so bad that they had to call the cops!
It wasn't until later that I found out that they were a big craze at the time.
That's my best memories of K-Mart...