Anyone see this yet?

Well, honestly would it be cool to see Chrysler back in North American hands?....of course but unfortunately the reason it went away to Europe and almost completely was the way it was run here. I know most true car enthusiasts don't like the EV movement, me included but unfortunately it's inevitable. Up here in BC Canada the provincial government is mandating ONLY EV cars to be sold ( new cars ) by 2030 and they may have moved that date along a bit because it was a bit ambitious edit...the new date is 2035 for ALL of Canada BUT, like it or not it's coming. Places like BC and California down south of the boarder will be first, and we can fight it all we want but when the fuel we can purchase becomes limited our decision is made for us. We can only hope there will be provisions for the car enthusiasts to still drive our baby's on a limited basis at least. I'm a realist and it us coming, I don't know about down south but the surge of electric cars o the road just in my little town of 70000 is huge! I think it's just a pipe dream!