Healthy Head?

@slantsixdanOpted not to do a full head rebuilt (…) because there wasn't any overheating

Err…huh? The one doesn't follow from the other.

How should I be ensuring the rocker (and it's associated components) are properly lubed for the first post-"rebuild" dry run

This is not a thing you have to worry about. Just start the engine and watch for oil to be dribbling out the nose of each rocker arm within a short time after startup. If not, things weren't cleaned up enough when the head was off.

Do not purchase STP oil "treatment" or any other such goo. It is unnecessary and not beneficial in any way; all it does is waste your money.

Did a visual on valve seals and nothing seems cracked
They easily stop doing their job without visible cracks.

people changing those seals with the head attached
The easy way is described here.