Healthy Head?

look man, we're not trying to come off holier than thou or as some kind of god level know-it-alls (although it's well known i was born dick first with a wrench in my hand and a roller chest attached to my umbilical cord), it's just that we've been around long enough to see some ****.

with the information that you're lacking-- any diagnostics pre tear down, and the big question mark of what all was done to the head-- as well as your level of mechanical knowledge, things aren't looking to shake out real good on the B-side of the work here.

and i'm not saying that trying to be a dick or anything, but details matter. especially when it comes to engine work. and so descriptions like: i pressed the round thing and i'm not sure if i need to press the other round thing, don't really get us anywhere toward understanding what's going on and that just inhibits the path toward repair.

anyway, at this point you're already pot committed so you might as well play out the hand. clean up the rocker gear real well, and re-install it with a little dab of grease on the valve tips and on the balls where they meet the push rods. a dab on the push rods where they meet the lifters wouldn't be the worst idea. shoot some lube on the shaft at the rockers too.

the intake and exhaust are a party to knock back together. use the search feature here or over at plus some u toob vidyas and you should get the idea. DO.NOT.OVER.TORQUE.THINGS.AND.STUFFS. there are plenty of online resources for the FSM ( so there is no excuse not to get it right. if you don't have a torque wrench beg borrow or steal the money to buy one, or borrow one from your mechanic friend.

good luck getting it back together, hombre. let us know how it turns out.