Another senseless death.

I won’t claim to be an angel or innocent. If there is anyone here who has never done 130mph in a car, on a public roadway, let they cast the first stone. I’ve done it young and old. I think most of us are “lucky” to be here. Our times were much more out of control. Sorry for the family. Terrible way to go.
Same here. In the early 70's I spent a year and a half in Germany and got used to driving at high speeds and owned a car that would do 130. Came home to the 55 bs and well, it was hard just to stay away doing 75 unless the radar detector went off. And I'm surprised more were not killed in that crash. In 98 some moron went flying down my street and ran the stop sign at the entrance and hit a car with 5 people in it....killed 4 in the car covering 3 generations of family members. A very young baby survived the crash. The moron and his wife survived and were in pretty good shape but the crash killed his 6 year old son who was riding in the bed of the moron's pickup. Yup, alcohol was involved. But I think today's times are more out of control than they were in our least it seems that way in my area.