Healthy Head?

Unfortunately I haven't quite been in the game long enough as y'all folks to truly understand the extent of what needs to line up for what I thought was just a "remove old and pop in new gasket" job.
Coming into this project as my first I was not expecting such fine grained requirements as I've been so informed - so please : pray_emoji : excuse my ignorance.
I'm just a guy that inherited a car that's been sitting for 30 years without turning over once. Got said car running. Said car developed a smoking problem - which turned out to be bigger than originally understood based on some online research and in-person talks with my mechanic friend.
And the rest is history...
We're trying to tell you how to do it as hard as we can. We're not talkin outta our asses. Some of us have been doing this forty years and more. Here's the scenario. You came here and asked for help. We gave it. Then, you ignored said help and did something completely different. Like @junkyardhero said, we're not trying to be holier than thou. We're trying to help, like you asked.