Another senseless death.

I had a guy on a Harley do the "slide in right in front of me" move for absolutely no reason yesterday. there were no cars around he could have opened it up to top speed in the left lane I was in the right lane doing 10 over and he had to play it like I m holding him up...that what it is they have to show you you are in the way...some of these folks are in a hurry but they are assholes also. Legally its aggressive driving and people can be charged there just never seems to be a police officer around to see it happening.
I get idiots on a daily basis who will cut over in front of my semi trailer when they are barely clear of the bumper. Usually there is no one else on the road, and it's a 4 lane divided highway, but stupid is as stupid does, I don't get it, and I would have no chance of braking if the fools were to try brake checking me. I have a dash cam in the truck, and both my car and my wife's car have dash cams.