Overheating rear end

Hey all, I have what I think is an odd problem. Back in '92 I swapped in a 7.25 axle from a '66 V8 Valiant into my slant six '63 Valiant.
It turned out the hubs on both sides were bent, not real bad, but if you put it up on jacks and ran it you could see noticeable run out.

In the years since then I picked up another 7.25 out of a '66 V8 Valiant with straight hubs/shafts. Recently I finally got around to working on it. Instead of swapping the entire axle I opted to swap just the shafts as it would give me a chance to put the 9" brakes back on. Both V8 cars had 10" brakes, and 10 on the rear with 9 on the front kind of sucked, lol

Everything seemed to go smoothly, no issues with swapping them out and I only reused the 9" drums. Shoes, hardware, master and wheel cylinders, all new.
The problem I'm having is the rear brakes are running really hot. Even melted one of the plugs for the star wheel. So I figure the brakes are dragging, jack it up, no drag, they freewheel nicely. Wheel bearings have no excess slack in them, fluid level is fine, e-brake cable has plenty of slack in it, I did put the primary shoes in the proper position. Everything checks out good, but they get hot. Pulled the drums off again, everything checks out fine. The brakes release after applying, car rolls well after coming to a stop.
RS rim is hot, LS rim is hot to where it almost burns to touch it, that's the side that melted the plug. Front ones feel fine, no abnormal temps noted.

Today I drive the car for about 30-40 minutes then I take the temp gun to the wheels. The outside of the wheels, not the drums themselves. Both fronts are just past 100 degrees and feel okay to the touch.
LR was 185 and really hot to touch
RR was 166 and hot to touch

LR axle tube was 113 and warm to touch, RR was cool to touch @ 100 even. Differential was at 132.

Going by these results obviously the heat is being generated in the brake/bearing areas since they are much hotter than the attached parts. Does anyone have any ideas what's going on here?

For extra data the front brakes aren't as new, but had been replaced in the recent past and are also adjusted properly. 9" drum in the front too.

TIA for any input