Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well we have appliances. Well, they are in the house any way. The frig cavity is a half inch too narrow and that has to be dealt with. The right side wall either needs to be removed or somehow moved out an inch. I need to work with the wife on that so it passes her inspection. If the opening is wider I can push the frig back an extra 2" and still have clearance behind for the waterline and ventilation. I might use ventilation as a selling point for removing the wall. :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead::lol: The stove fit good and works well. Same with the dishwasher. I will need to install the dryer. The flexible vent tube needs replaced and I need to get a new flex gas line. The one I have is 25+ years old and is too short because the fitting is on the opposite side of the dryer. Always something but so far, so good. I will post a few pics to this post in a jiffy.



