Cat Pics

Frankie’s Friends

Rest well Papi

We have some very sad news. We had to say goodbye to Papi. Papi has living the life here at Frankie’s for a while now and we know that many of you loved him as well. A few weeks ago someone even left flowers for him. He was happy and so very loved. We managed any of his aches and pains with a monthly arthritis med as well as any other medical needs he’s ever needed. We are not honestly sure what his life before Frankie’s was like…he was already very old when he was brought to us by community partners….but we do know that his life with us was filled with love and ended with love. He started declining over the weekend and it was clear that it was finally time. Your donations also helped Papi get the love and care he deserved and we are forever grateful.

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Thanks for taking care of him and giving him love.