Where to find a new replacement radiator for a 1973 Duster?

Thanks for the tips. I got the Spectra CU511 today. It looks like it'll be okay, I went and test fitted it. The tubes are 18 inches tall as opposed to 17 on the old radiator. Total height from radiator cap sealing ridge to bottom tank of 23-1/2" as opposed to 22-1/2" on the old one. Plus the mounting holes don't quite line up, so I will have to drill 2 of them. The radiator clears the hood without a cap on, but it'll be tight, so I'm going to bend down that lower radiator support about an inch for a little clearance, and drop the radiator down about 3/4". That should be enough to clear everything without major modifications. I've got about an inch to the fan blades, maybe a bit more. Plus there's no mounts for the fan shroud, so I'll have to see about that, maybe leave it out. Then the only other issue is the upper inlet is on the drivers side, so I'll have to piece together an upper hose to get around the A/C pulley. But I'll make it work.