Ball joint socket size and where to purchase?

That’s some GOOD advice and very much appreciated. I would not have made it very far without that very useful tip honestly and would have been right back here looking for help again… and still might haha… but seriously, Thank you for that!
anytime. heat the A arm around where it passes through. Not the ball. Use anti seize or something upon installation of new after cleaning the hole. If you paint the A arm, the paint has its thickness and will make it harder to install. Ive used a vice to hold A arm but have heard that leaving it in the car to hold it while removing ball joint is a way. Dunno where I heard that. It will take a good amount of coaxing. A cheater bar might be in your future unless you have a 3/4 drive breaker. I believe the socket you are going to purchase is 3/4 drive.