Stop in for a cup of coffee

Bad day. Got the gas line moved to the tune of $520. The short flex line hooked up nicely. The dryer vent is a mess. The washer and dryer are supposed to fit in a nook (down in the basement.) Well, the nook isn't deep enough for the depth of the dryer. The front legs hang over the edge of the slab the machines set on. (probably 3" or so above the basement floor. THe 4" crimped vent tube on the dryer doesn't come out far enough to clear the hump on the back of the dryer so I made another trip to Menards for an extension which of course doesn't fit on the crimp. My blood pressure was probably 300. I called the wife and told her to get home, we have issues. I told her I was done being a contractor. She can call whoever to get it fixed. She can all and write the check. Not me. I'm done. MEanwhile I guess I will be taking my laundry to a laundromat to get it done. I'm about of socks and underwear. Thanks for listening. I may check out of these forums a well. I am done trying to solve problems.
Vent as much as you need Mike, you had a few days of hell and need a good vacation. Sorry my friend I don't think I could handle the ****.