Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well, what a total. Pia. I was having trouble with my Netgear router interfering with my Wi-Fi. So I bought a new router that ice referred to me. But I still had issues. So then I bought a New cable router to hook up to the new Wi-Fi router. I've had it for a few days but decided to hook it up this morning. So I get it all hooked up. I got nothing. I should have realized that Comcast needs to activate it. Well. The problem is I have no telephone service here from Verizon. The only way I can make phone calls out or get them in is with Wi-Fi. So I take the serial number of the new cable router with me, get in the car and drive about a mile away from the house so I can get service on my phone. Finally got service. Finally was able to get two Comcast/xfinity and type in the Mac number. 10 minutes later they said it was activated. But I had to go home unplug all the units again and replug them in. Total. Pia