Non-A-body 46re q’s

I understand the problem,,,,,really the symptoms I guess .
My late model driver,,OT brand,,really went haywire a couple of years ago .
It would shift like it was possessed !

I never knew what to expect,,,it was shifting exactly like Volaredon described his .
But I knew it wasn’t a clutch or mechanical related issue .
Because sometimes it would shift like a brand new transmission .
If the clutch packs were bad,,,,they don’t fix themselves .
A bearing doesn’t fix itself,,,,,any hard parts don’t rematerialize into good parts .

I suspected some sticking valves or switches or something .

I’m not a snake oil believer,,,,and I don’t usually trust additives,,,but I had grown desperate .
Mine had been acting worse and worse,,,,,over 60,000 miles,,,,finally it was getting dangerous .
I never knew when to pull out from an intersection,,,it was that bad .
Anyway,,,I tried this product,,,,and did exactly as the directions said,,,the results were immediately realized .
After driving only a few miles,,,,it was much better,,,,and got better still over about the next 150 miles that week of driving .

I couldn’t be more happy,,,,,Trans Tune was the stuff for me .
I can’t guarantee that it will help you,,,,but it definitely works for my problems.
And since your later model transmission is similar to mine ,,it might be worth a try ?
I got mine at Oreillys,,,,I’m sure most places sell it .
Good luck,,,I’m hoping you get some good results with whatever you do .

