Site sucks for mobile users because of ads

I spend 99.9% of my time here on my Samslung phone with next to zero issues.
I guess I over exaggerated with saying 100%.
Whenever there is an issue, I get a "Cloudfare" warning.
The majority of people with "issues" wouldn't have them if they went gold. Or an ad blocker.
Here's screen shot of Cloudfare warning.
Nope. @RedFish and I have posted problems too. Its not just the ads, they just bog things down even more when bandwidth is even somewhat limited. The site does weird things that go beyond just the browser. The only time, the only time, my desktop computer has had problems is when on this site. When I can't afford to have the computer go down I avoid this forum like the plague. Don't know why but its a 1 to 1 correlation but random enough I can't predict it although there's about 1 second where mouse movements slow - then I know screen is going to loose signal.

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