Question about 904 tranny kickdown band adjustment

It's finicky, and especially with a non-stock (and modified, at that) kickdown cable. Added to that is the fact that '65 904 transmission valve bodies do not have part-throttle kickdown, and it becomes an all-or-nothing situation; either it's right or it's not. And the consequences are severe if it's not.
Me? I'd place a parts wanted ad here and try to get the correct kickdown linkage for your car, then adjust it according to your FSM (you do have one, right? And I don't mean a Chilton/Motor/Haynes manual either- get the honest to goodness Chrysler FSM).
I have the correct kickdown linkage, unfortunately it won't work the the higher aluminum four barrel intake manifold, and modifying it by extending it would put me right back into the realm of uncertainty. I'm not worried about damage to the transmission, if there is no slippage and the shift points are correct, it is probable that the Bouchillon cable is doing the job of providing proper pressure... the previous (cheaper) cable system I installed did not provide the correct pressure and it was obvious, with errant shift points. I do have the FSM.