1968 Dodge Dart GT Sleeping Beauty?

Several years ago, I sold a truck to a young man from Kenya for my then 89 year old dad. He was so polite and a devout Muslim who asked if I would be offended if he prayed in my driveway. I worked with him for several weeks to come up with the money. He was an engineering student taking care of his mother and being a mentor to his younger brother. When he made his last payment I surprised him and gave him back $200 to take his family out for a treat. He was working part time then in an upholstery shop while going to school. Jump forward two years this weekend and he is going to install my seat covers at a very fair price. Occasionally a good deed is repaid.

My garage was cleaned top to bottom while searching for the seat emblem. I had misplaced my seat emblem I picked up a year ago and finally located it today.
