Riddle Me This

It helps immensely if you post what you are working on.
Looking at your older posts, its a '69 Dart.
Go to mymopar.com and download the service manual for '69. If you can read a map you can read an electrical diagram. It will show you what the black wire is and what it connects to and from.

Should be simple depending on the options with your '69. The flasher circuit isn't fused. The flasher unit itself acts as a circuit breaker. So a short downstream of the flasher should have simply caused the turn signals not to work. A short on the feed means current was being diverted from the alternator to ground (assuming the car was running).

Turn signal flasher is a branch off the accessory feed. It only is connected to power when the key is in accessory or run positions.

Switched Accessory Q2 feeds 4 branches, so they're all bundled together. But D1 to the flasher is probably bundles with only itself, feeds to the radio and radio lamp, and wires to the right side door switch.

This '69 valiant but dart is probably same for this.

When hunting the problem, look for where the wires were rubbing. It might be mice but it also might have been the wire routing or support got messed with at some point. Ohm out the flasher unit to make sure it didnt ground internally. Seems unlikely but if you dont see another cause..

The options that can make it a bit more complicated are the in the 'light' group.