Stop in for a cup of coffee

Slept good with the windows open... Doggo went DEFCON 4 at about 03:30 ... Not sure what had entered the perimeter. Took about 15 minutes to go into stand-, down

Little achy from being under the car and dash all weekend...
New pup left a DEFCON 4 pile on the floor to greet me this morning, is that the same thing? This pup has been unusually difficult to house break. She does fine all day long then gets lazy in the middle of the night. She has her own door outside into a 20x60 kennel which she uses all day but once we go to bed not so much. We have a had a few accident free nights but overall not much progress. We haven’t had the pup for thirty days yet as Jodi so eloquently reminds me as I clean up this morning. Arghhh