1966/'69 A100 Twins Build

Finally found barrel nuts I was happy with. Still needed to pinch down the grabber springs to really hold the pins but once done they are great. Reversed the polarity on the amp gauge so it shows discharge when the lights are on. Cut the foam to block the light from crossing into other gauges. Found some rubber bumpers for the ashtray door and the dash done. Put weatherstripping adhesive on the window sweeps to keep them from getting sucked in and out when rolling the window up and down and cleaned up and detailed the door. If this works well I’ll do the other side tomorrow. Visor supports restored and realized I’m out of interior paint to finish the visors. Roadtrip tomorrow. Installed the windshield. It’s not the easiest I have ever done but it’s far from the worst (1966 Valiant rear glass). Got some temporary mufflers for the old down pipes. Tomorrow will tack those in temporarily, fill the coolant and transmission and it may be running tomorrow.
