TRW L2322F Pistons 60179 Edelbrock Heads

I looked through part of the link PBR posted.

I know the Speed Pro book says .017-.018 out of the deck. That is the Chrysler minimum out of the deck.

If you have the Chrysler engine book (going off my memory here but I suppose I could get it out) it calls for as much as .054 out of the hole.

Again, going off my memory that was with a .028 or .020 shim head gasket.

If you are want to get the squish down then the piston needs to be out of the hole the gasket thickness plus the quench cutout in the head then minus your quench distance.

For example, if you want .040 quench with an .039 gasket and a .060 quench cutout you’d need to be .059 out of the hole.

What that makes your compression is anyone’s guess without all the numbers.

I milled my domes down to get the quench correct and the compression where I wanted it.